Saturday, April 2, 2011

New Plants on April 2nd

Echium Simplex - while like Mr. Happy (Plant near Mr. Happy) Update 7/11 doing great 2'x2'
Coreopsos tinctoria calliopsis yellow 2'x1' bloomed in June tall in the front of the garden - next time plant in back.
marigold 'day of the dead' rich soil - pot it - update 7/11 loved this!
Calceolaria integrifolia - plant in pot and keep in Shady Otis pond area
Lychniscoronaria carnation like plant in front - bloomed too low to see
calceolaria integrifolia needs regular water, rich soil - 2'x4' pot
Leptosiphon 'French Hybrid' fruitloop colors little daisies 10'x10 annual - rich soil - update 7/11 bloomed but the sun was to hot so they always looked tired.
bulbinella nutans - dormant in summer winter yellow 3' spikes yellow - plant in front yard
cerinthe major purpurasconse xeric 2'x2' but plant in pot blue clusters drooping COOL - update 7/11 lost both plants by the first of July - just too hot and windy here
Erigeron ganeus - clay okay. lavender tanzies 1'x3' low water perinal Gaudy Garden
echium ''tower of jewels' by Mr. Happy
Tanacetum niveum - tanzies Gaudy Garden
Agrostemma githago rich soil little tiny white flowers on 2' stems - in pot
'Ocean Pearls'
Echium fastuosum "Pride of Madeira"
Lagurus ovatus "Bunny Tails"
Melianthus major "Honey Bush" - crimp cut leaves - plant in southwest corner - poisonous
Senecio stellata 'Giovanni's Select' "Cineraria" up to 2' tall with purple flowers - in pond
Stylomecon heterophylla"Wind Poppy" 1-2' tall in pot